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BIOCLARVINO II - Development of a dry yeast protein extracts for white and red wine finning

The BioClarVino II project sought to conduct industrial research and the final development of a product that could give wine industry operators a special, biological, non-allergenic tool with a preventive and curative effect on wine oxidation, as well as applicability to other wine segments.

DIVINO is the result of several years of research by PROENOL COMPANY in close collaboration with BioCant and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. The protein extract is obtained from selected grape yeast cells, which is positioned as an endogenous agent in wine and, consequently, an excellent alternative to animal and mineral/industrial colas. The extract is purified and concentrated so that the protein fraction is maximized for better efficiency.


The wine industry is one of the main industries in our country. In the last decade there was an increase in wine consumption, an increase that was reflected both in volume and in the value of exports at a global level.

At the same time, there has been a demand in the markets, which have been increasing, as well as the addition of requirements that not only cover the sensory quality of the product, but also other areas such as food safety and environmental sustainability in production. The mandatory mention on the label of the presence of casein in wine and the lack of alternatives to casein in terms of limiting or treating oxidative phenomena, left wine producers without a long-used tool, especially for the refinement of white wines. On the other hand, the use of bentonites as binding agents to prevent protein precipitation is a common practice in both white and red wines, but it always leads to a reduction in aromatic intensity. In this framework, Proenol together with Biocant carried out the BioClarVino project that resulted in two Yeast Protein Extracts (EPL's) prototypes whose performance as binding agents is in every way similar to that of casein, especially with regard to increasing wine clarity and removing yellow compounds resulting from oxidative processes. The yeast protein extracts (YPE's) developed also proved to be excellent agents in preventing oxidation and clarifying wines, forming dregs that are more compact than most existing fining agents. These first prototypes were further optimized, characterized and validated in Bioclarvino II project with the help of our team, resulting in a commercialized product (Divino®).



This research group has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (BeTASTy, Grant agreement No. 101040462); from the WHEATBIOME project – Horizon Europe work programme under grant agreement No. 101084344; from the COST Action FLAVOURsome, CA22161, which is supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

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Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, the European Research Executive Agency or COST Association. Neither the European Union nor the granting authorities can be held responsible for them.

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