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BIOactive compounds & PROTeins
A powerful partnership for optimal health
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NUTRALLERPHEN – Dietary polyphenols as prophylactic agents in food allergies
Use of Polyphenols as Modulators of Food Allergies. From Chemistry to Biological Implications. “Do you know that food is our medicine?...
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FOODNANOSENSE – Bio-sensing research on food astringency and bitterness of natural phenolics
The intricate balance between being undesirable to becoming desirable taste properties: molecular mechanisms and modulation of...
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BIOCLARVINO II - Development of a dry yeast protein extracts for white and red wine finning
The BioClarVino II project sought to conduct industrial research and the final development of a product that could give wine industry...
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POLY4CD - Natural Polyphenol´s Role in Prevention of Celiac Disease
For the first time, the ability of polyphenols to scavenge gluten peptides at the intestinal level and counteract gluten-induced...
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